
setia Suhaila, JPJ percaya

pada suatu malam yang biasa...
watak M: yeah, aku berjaya mendapatkan lesen memandu kereta, haha.
watak A: eleh, aku dah lama dapat lesen memandu kereta.
watak M: yelaaaa...

beberapa bulan selepas malam yang biasa itu...
watak M sudah membawa kereta ke sana ke mari.
watak A masih setia bersama Suhaila.

moral: walaupun anda menerima kepercayaan penuh pegawai JPJ, tidak semestinya anda akan menerima kepercayaan hatta secebis pun oleh pemilik kenderaan @ (ibu dan bapa)

nota kaki: dialog adalah rekaan semata-mata, tiada kena mengena antara yang masih meninggal ataupun yang sudah hidup.

13 ulasan:

  1. Tanpa Nama14/8/06 20:33

    Let me know what should we do now?

    In general, our "leaders" (I don't recognize them as my leaders) are wasting our time and placing Malaysia to great risk in term of global competitiveness.

    They are treating Malaysia as "own firm" and both previous leaders, current leaders and future leaders are all talking nonsense and doing "shit" for the sake of their own and cronies. What they have done for us so far? Our daily life has been burdened with tonnage of pressure day after day - I think 2020 will be tougher.

    If our "leaders" are capable and having the intention to bring prosperity to plebeian and not their own, 50 years are more than enough!

    Malaysia, a country with such an abundance resources should do better than Singapore but we are now far behind Singapore.

    Somebody is saying Pak Lah should step down as prime minister but for me who become prime minister is not so important unless the prime minister is come from another parties. As long as BN people become prime minister, the results will be the same. Even another 100 years will still be the same.

    We got to denial the 2/3 majority of BN in this coming election and we need a new government in another 10 years or earlier.

    Kid, we can't afford to waste our time further, we must kick BN out because we "love" Malaysia.

  2. Tanpa Nama14/8/06 20:35

    Just like the so-called moral police, we have a lot of such emotionally inadequate, intellectually insecure and socially disabled people in positions of leadership in Malaysia schools and universities.

    Poor university lead by 'poor and fourth class mentality' administration leading to poor state and poor ranking among the universities in the world.

    We have university chiefs who treat our tertiary students like kindergarten kids, telling them what hairstyle is appropriate, what hairstyle is not appropriate, what music to listen to, what music not allowed to listen to, what time to sleep, what time to get up, what to wear, what not to wear, who to mix with, who not to mix with, (whether there is lecture to attend or not) etc.

    The real cause is that many of these people, particularly those running tertiary institutions, are not where they are because of their expertise or performance in education, but because of political connections.

    Many of them cannot even write a proper sentence, let alone intellectual articles in academic journals. Almost none has written any definitive books which can be used as textbooks. Yet they are made head of universities.

    No wonder we have thousands of graduates who are not academically and intellectually fit, and hence unable to find jobs. Most can only obtain higher degrees from third-rate universities, and return to be made higher positions. Some of their so-called PhDs are below even an honours degree standard in the established universities.

    This is a result of 'coconut shell' mentality shown by Malaysia university leadership. They should promote more free flow sharing of experience with top universities in the world to keep up with the pace of globalisation. There is no shame in 'borrowing' ideas of others to strength ourselves. Use resources wisely.

    Leave the disciplinary problems to the schools, to the ministry of education. Isn't it too late to tackle this problem in the varsities? Still treat undergrads as kids? This reflects so lowly of the leadership - as if they are paid highly to do trivial things like this.

    In business, there are the industrial standards as benchmarks. In academia, I do not know if there is any standard to measure what is decent and what is not. We wear sandals, shorts, and T-shirts at home. It has never occurred to me that this would have other implications.

    Rather, the greatest threat to the survival of Malaysia university is that of incompetent office-bearers who seemingly have their priorities misplaced, and are instead more committed to stifle the freedom of thought and expression, and to subjugate students of different ethnicities and religion to the practices of a single dominant religion.

    Our ideology seems more important that the qualities we carry. Our 'religious' conformation seems more important that the actual religious teachings. We are policed instead of the policy being re-examined. Where is our country going?

    It is time that Malaysia universities woke up and revamp their moral policing policy. We need a major change. What attire we wear seems more important that whether we smoke cannabis or not.

    Malaysia university leadership, please be focused. There is too much to catch up. Universities play an extremely vital role in nation building. Stop raping the system and 'murder' the excellent students in their noble quest for knowledge and personal advancement.

  3. Tanpa Nama14/8/06 20:39

    Malaysia's first astronaut will be chosen from a shortlist……….Malaysian astronaut will carry his nation's cuisine on the space……….

    Isn't it cool? For a cool US$25 millions, we get to send one person to joyride with the Russians, dressed in batik and drink teh tarik in space!

    What a wonderful way to spend your hard earned tax dollars. Bet Malaysia looks wonderful from the space but for the investment, what have we achieved?

    Are we the first?
    Did we build the spacecraft?
    Did we contribute in any way to the space program except funding it?
    Does Malaysia actually benefit from it?
    Is there any thing we learnt that can be of use to you and me?

    When the hardcore poor are surviving on snails and wild vegetation; the government is going to spend US$25 millions to send somebody to space to eat roti canai and drink teh tarik.

    Is this a joke?

    Another sheer waste of public fund! What is the aim? Use the money to train more doctors which is more sensible!

    Just wonder that the resources and money would be better spent improving the quality of drinking, drainage system on par with the West.

    Yes, this is a sheer waste of money. We have become crazy with this Malaysia Boleh slogan. There is nothing to crow about with the capability of climbing the highest mountain, swimming across the cannel, having the longest roti canai, etc.

  4. Tanpa Nama14/8/06 20:42

    This is the politics of finding blame for own weakness or laziness.

    What I hate most is when those racist and jealous malays see a well developed township populated and owned by Chinese, and start rambling that the Chinese grabbed the wealth from the malays.

    The NEP was abused to enrich only a small portion of the malay population. Now, the pie is shrinking due to global factors and the political elite is looking for scapegoats - and guess what - the Chinese are always blamed, as if working hard and saving is sinful.

    As a matter of fact just like Mahathir once stated the government has been giving a lot of opportunities to the malays. The other races prosper because they constantly grab opportunities and create markets for their businesses "without depending on any extra incentives by any governmental sector".

    I think this country is wasting a lot of time and energy on this racial thing - actually is an income disparity syndrome, the have and have-nots regardless of race.

    Last time all first world. If Malaysia was a body, malay was the bone. Today very sadly, malay is the sick appendix, if remove it, Malaysia will be healthier.

    It is a tiring affair to talk of the problems of malays. The problems are too many.

    We talk and talk and give resolutions to government to do, i.e. we talk but we are not doing anything about it and rely on others.

    The typical discussion would be to say malay is weak in this and that. And the immediate inference is to have what is missing. Too often we are fixing symptoms and not problems.

    We have tried and pump money into so many programs but we have yet to create the malay industrial and commercial class.

    In any corporate strategy implementation, the key aspect lies in leadership and corporate culture.

    For a change, I believe let us have an action oriented discussion. Maybe let us start to think and act independently. With a realistic appreciation of the parameters, only then we act more realistically and prudently.

    In the end, we the common people must not be fooled by the political elite. We are risking our very life.

  5. Tanpa Nama14/8/06 20:44

    In history, teacher said that we must accept this injustice because the malays let us to live here as one of their citizens, if it wasn't of their tolerance, we wouldn't be here - during the time before we independence, they keep objects of we existence on this country until they achieve an agreement, where they are the more superior ones.

    Shit……….Brainwash, nowadays even the textbooks about our country history can't be trusted, they intended to brainwash the younger generation so that they might thought that it was the malays who are the ones who made Malaysia like this today!

    But what can we do since such issue is sensitive in our country, talking against it will cost we severely……….And they say, Malaysia is a democratic world.

    Hello you asked………."You got to give credit to Umno and Umno Youth for the current state of affairs in the country." If you meant language wise in its literary sense - I am packing up and won't come back for anymore banter with thee!

    They did a pretty good job in creating the current blooming mess in the country, don't they?

    The brain drain, the closed tenders to undeserving contractors, the condoning of keris wielding, the continuing mutual racial suspicions that got worse since 1957, the crony-politics, the fly-by-night millionaires with homes that are gold plated and helicopter pads, the schools, the university entrance, the annual scholarship fiasco……….you name it. You got give them credit for them?

    Truth hurts but truth really prevails……….this country sucks!

    True……….nods head and what man said some malays are brilliant? They were never brilliant - they are just playing stupid. Well, some maybe ok but never brilliant.

    If intermarriage is allowed between races without having to be converted to Islam during independence in 1957, new Malaysians will emerge, dominating all sectors of Malaysia life.

    For non-malays, we are approx 1/3 of the population of Malaysia. Of course birthrate continue to lower, since most of non-malays emphasis education because survival is the fittest in this environment.

    For Chinese and Indians, my advice is simple, hey this planet has many many countries, Malaysia is not a significant country. Do you guys know that you can apply for job in US, then get a social security with approval then zoom, you are in US.

    In Europe, Malaysians can have three months without visa to visit EU, plenty of time to search around, please do home work first. I recall in Taiwan, if you are Chinese, ok you can get third rate citizenship and can vote in their presidential election, oops sorry, I don't think Indian can qualify here.

    Of course for those poor less educated relatives, suggestion - get one generation into university, whatever way - all you need is one person, he or she will do pull string in next 10 years down the road.

    From the TV to the toilet bowls cleaners, everywhere the incompetence malays are there. Malays are becoming a huge question mark to everyone. Soon this Malaysia country will be an Indonesia or other poor and peaceless country.

    It is frightening to find out about such things that are happening in our country. Maybe now we won't suffer, but our future generations will. All this discrimination does happen, slowly and silently, we are being blinded from the truth.

    Last year I visit Singapore, I fall in love with Singapore. Why? The moment I step in custom immigrant office, I could see multi races working. The malay officer very good in English.

    While crushing around in Singapore, all races given opportunity to do business. Church, mosque and temple also build. Singapore is truly race loving peoples. Keep up the good work Singapore.

    As for Malaysia, I want see more multi races in banking, if not I will withdraw my money. I have recently withdrawn my money from one bank after seeing only one particular race. I like Public Bank because I could see Chinese, Indian and Malay - so nice to see multi races like Singapore.

    That is why Singapore broke ties with Malaysia. It is simply because malays are too incompetent and a pile of shit that lies north of Singapore, polluting the society.

    I urge that we should get rid of the malay government by all costs and bring equality to all humans. Singapore has the power to rule Malaysia, that retarded country full of scumbags.

  6. Tanpa Nama14/8/06 20:47

    Government forces us to learn Bahasa Melayu. Looking the fact today, what rubbish use is it? Do you speak malay in Australia? No, yes you speak malay in Indonesia, but who will go to such a moron country and has his career started over there?

    Bahasa Melayu sucks, I wonder why we should study this language first of all. English is always what we want it to be as the national language instead of Bahasa Melayu.

    Using English as an official language is the best thing to do, not for our own good but for your own good. Due to this stupid Bahasa Melayu, it distorted our English learning improvement. If it wasn't due to this language, my English wouldn't be so slack here……….

    So now those Umno morons finally see the importance of English, but limited by their narrow mind, they only change some the media language to English in the education system.

    20 years after the change from malay to English, they finally relalise that Bahasa Melayu did not bring any good improvement. But still in my school years I learn malay……….damn!

    Second of all, you are very narrow mind guy. Why should one in this world be patriotic to certain country and be faithful to them? World is world, everybody in this world are brothers, is it necessary to say that you belong to this region or something or so on!

    For countries like Singapore and western countries, they can have double citizenships, it is not a big problem at all if one's holding so many citizenships, because they understand the meaning about this. Only malays having such narrow mind would care about those things……….

    Seriously, are you a Muslim? It means that your God says one have special rights than others?

    Immigrants? I don't think Malaysia can achieve half what they have without the immigrants. Do you seriously think that every things Malaysia have today are the effort of malays only? Indians and Chinese never even done anything?

    It seems like worshiping Allah give you a characteristic of humiliating and scolding others off and racist claim - sons of immigrants.

    If there is a $$$ God, it will be better than Allah, the one you worship.

    You want to talk about descendents? Oh, aren't you the immigrants from Indonesia? Whose ancestors are from Africa, who grand grand grand parents are Adam and Eve. After all we are still the same. Get it?

    God damn it, after 30 years Islam teaches out bunch of people that are racist towards other groups of people? Disappointing……….

    Tell yourself what can you do to the country? Do you certainly believe that people having same characteristic like you are the people who helped to develop this country?

    I want your own opinion, you think this is fair? You think this is right? After learning Islamic teachings for so many years, you agree with all those racist policies and called other people sons of immigrants?

    Holy crap……….all the years what Malaysia have are narrow mind cunts like you, you are no different with the Umno morons.

    Tell me one of these government policies is wrong. Judge it! So you think that it is ok, if we don't like it, we get lost? Yes, I choose to get lost, I don't want pay my tax to a group of Umno morons to continue their unfair policies.

    Not peaceful enough? What makes the Malaysia peaceful?

    Of course Malaysia can still live in peaceful situation. Isn't African countries also peaceful? As long as you stay at home. You are peaceful!

    Let me tell you my perspectives. This land should belongs to no one particular race, should be multi-racial. Should run fair policies which is not one-sided. Should speak a common language - English.

    Sick anyhow, this country has no relationship to me anymore. I am in Singapore now, thank God. After graduation, I definitely get a Singapore PR and I will surely apply for citizenship.

    Tired of people who keep avoiding the question. Vision 2020 going to be achieved by this group of morons? Keep on dreaming, don't need to reply my question.

    Once I have enough money, I will move all out from this moron country. I know what you want to say: "If you don't like it, get out from the Malaysia!" That is what typical moron will say.


  7. Tanpa Nama14/8/06 20:51

    In fact, if you look at all the topics in this board, every topic, every scandal, every issue, every educational ills, can be traced to the break down of the key values. The whole of opposition's work in parliament revolve around these 4 key values.

    I don't blame Pak Lah for the break down of these values. I blame Mahathir for the systematic destruction of those values in his 22 years reign.

    What are these values that I am talking about?

    M eritocracy
    A ccountability
    T ransparency
    I ntegrity

    During TAR, Abdul Razak and Hussein Onn days, these values were still very much alive. But now they are all dead. If these values are not revived soon enough, it will be the death of Malaysia.

    I hope I will not have to see this obituary - the death of Malaysia was due to the death of MATI.

  8. Tanpa Nama14/8/06 20:56

    Citizens of Malaysia, be you malays or non-malays, it is time to wake up, the earlier the better, and realize that the mother of all problems in Malaysia is not caused by ordinary citizens but by Umno, who have insatiable greed for money and power, and hence must divide this country by race, and rule.

    It is their insatiable greed that is ruining Malaysia, including our education system and universities. The struggle in Malaysia is not between malays or non-malays, but between Umno-malays and the crony.

    The current political environment does not properly and fairly engages opposition parties to debate issues of national interest.

    In this age of Internet and information technology, it will be great mistake for any government not to change quickly and try to control and manipulate information to influence the people.

    It is wise to empower the people with accurate, factual, meaningful and timely information so that they could use it in a globalised and competitive world.

    Information has put power and influence in the ordinary people hands, and a successful country is very much depends on the distribution of timely and accurate information to its people - the western countries are good example.

    Without the practise of free thinking, speech and actions, we have a huge problem to overcome the shortcoming of our students and employees. Students and eventually employees that don't know how to work around different circumstances and goals will remain just clogs in an economic machinery controlled by someone else.

    And of course the government goes on pretending like they don't exist, or they are cavemen from the jungle. So much for bumis policy.

    The Internet is but a reflection of real life. Racists exist in Malaysian societal structure, therefore racists will exist in the Malaysian Internet realm as well.

    Oddly although, as long as the government of the day practices institutionalised racism through preferential policies, this racism won't go away. The government can't see that, and therefore Malaysia deserves what it gets.

    I am a Malaysian. And stop bad-mouthing Chinese, because part of me is Chinese. If malays end up being slaves, it is their own fault. Stupid, typical malays.

    First thing to be blamed is the politic which spoilt them so much that they would never learn to stand on their own 2 feet. Politic is about uniting people in a country, not just a certain race and then be racist.

    Leave those comments here as reminder why the malays have to work so hard. The younger ones never had to face those sentiments and it is good that they come to grips with it.

    As for harmony, there was never real harmony in Malaysia. There was tolerance - thus faked harmony, but not true acceptance which bring about true harmony.

    The directions set out in the first place was wrong. We are living the consequences.

    Maybe I should. But wait, I do have a life. Do I need to reconsider that? Don't think so. It is my rights anyway to live how I want to, as long as it is ethically and morally right.

    This thread is just a place for discussion just like a cafe. But I see anger. I see hatred. I see unsatisfaction. And I want to see changes so that all these don't continue.

    Enough said. I am drawing the line here. Focus on the topic at hand, or shut up if you don't have anything better to say but stupid stuff like emotional, blah, angry, etc.

    I apologise for the language. I am tolerant of many things, but not incompetence fueled by misplaced bravado.

    For those who plan to move away, pray go with all our blessings. Good luck. There is nothing to be sad about for this country does not even value you. Go and give your children a chance to breath true freedom and justice.

    Don't ever thought of coming back for, there are not much pleasant things to return to, even if the government invites you back.

  9. Tanpa Nama14/8/06 20:59

    Imagine our prime minister lecturing on the real facts of peace and harmony in Malaysia.

    "We (government) do not practise social fairness and meritocracy. We practise racism and discrimination in our university entry, jobs, housing discount allocation, and education system. We extort and blackmail non-malays through shares equity and Approved Permits. We dish out handouts to malays, etc. That is how we achieve peace and harmony in Malaysia."

    The only reason why there is peace and harmony is because the non-malays are tolerant, progressive, peace, moderate, magnanimous and loving, despite the racism, keris wielding and discriminatory policies.

    If the future leader is bollocks then the future of this country is also bollocks.

    The education system in this country from top to bottom is going from bad to worst, we are producing robots, incompetent, hapless, crony and brainwashed leaders.

    Going by that, the track record of the Umno government is nothing less than embarrassing and shameful.

    While the rich and famous in the Umno coalition is feasting off the richness of the land christened Malaysia, thousands more are languishing in sickness, poverty and adverse social circumstances.

    I care for my fellow citizens regardless of race and religion and there is nothing more I wish to see that for them to be able to lead a decent life through diligence and honesty. But such values are of no worth in a corrupted and racist system like the Umno government's.

    The current debate is not about religion, race or political ideology. It is about good values or rather, the lack of them in the current Umno politicians.

    One must not mistake hatred against racism with hatred against race. The former is admirable, and the latter is deplorable.

    From the comments of you malay, I can conclude that he is either delirious and confused or he is simply a typical Umno politician - paranoid, conceited and colored-vision.

    Your comments clearly show your insecurity as well as your inferiority complex. Unfortunately, your comments suggest that your views represent all the malays.

    It also shows that you, as representing the malays, concede that you are not prepared and will never be prepared, even in the future, to meet with competition. You suggest that you need to be wrapped in cotton wool for all time.

    The world does not owe you a favour and will not wait for you. A big problem is that you expect the world and everyone to owe you a living. Get real the world owes you nothing!

    You may be the ketuanan of Malaysia but what kind of Malaysia will that be by then if you continue with your tunnel vision and refuse to meet and compete with the rest of the world. You will be in a very small country and a small world of your own. You may be the ketuanan of such a country which may be weaker than a banana republic in time.

    Under those circumstance, it may not be important whether you are the ketuanan of such a country which is not third rate but fourth rate, and which may be open to be taken by a stronger force. By then you will be too weak and friendless to defend yourself.

    Please don't think that Malaysia belongs to one particular race, you are insulting yourself, and your race, don't ever forget that some key leaders in top government are with mixed blood, not pure malays……….please know your mission as a Malaysian, to live united with the other races and fight independently with the globalised world.

    Don't be narrow-minded anymore, do correct thing to make things right.

    The "bumiputera" stole the land from Orang Asli. By right all of Malaysia should belong to them. If recall history as the current generation of malays came over from Sumatra, Jawa, and the island around.

    If your thinking remains the same - please go back to Indonesia where you can proudly call yourself bumis there.

  10. Tanpa Nama14/8/06 21:03

    Apartheid-like government will always push for apartheid-like policies. The government of Malaysia is clearly not for all races but to the selected one only. All agenda is for that particular race.

    Disparity exists, no doubt about that. Studies can be made until the cows come home, still no effort is coming to solve the problem.

    Basically this is due to the system. For as long as programmes are geared for political purposes, achieving any success will be just the dreams.

    Inequalities must be addressed without indulging in ethnic, religious or state considerations. We should put a stop to even think about them.

    Change the government. Change the system. Wouldn't we in our right mind take that chance! Unless we are brave enough don't expect anything would change. The system is now our culture.

    Hi malay, why bother with other country if yours is the crappy one? Hello to retard! Correct your own doing first then you can judge others. Typical Umno dog!

    You must be one of the NEP byproducts, i.e. mentally less competitive than your fellow Malaysians of other races. It really shows from your statements that you only possess 50% of brain capacity of normal humans.

    God help you guys and this country. I can contribute the other 50% if only malays like you would be willing to listen.

    Interestingly although while we say bumis have achieved 19% of the country share of economic wealth, we are talking only about malay bumis. The other bumis in particularly the Dayak, Dusun and Kedazan from Sabah and Sarawak in comparison have achieved 0%.

    Admittedly these "minority bumis" who sometime referred themselves as second class bumis have been lagging behind the malays, no need to mention the advanced Chinese or Indians.

    Whether this situation is by accidence or by design, the failure of the NEP to uplift their livelihood or the false belief that they enjoy being classified as bumis have become a point of contention to these communities (who are the majority population in east Malaysia).

    Please don't make us to laugh!

    Let us all go to sleep and wake up in year 2020. Guess what? They will still be crying for the NEP? Why?

    It is the same twenty years ago, it will be the same twenty years from now. What would you expect from Umno? They will never allow their brethren the independence they so fear.

  11. Tanpa Nama14/8/06 21:08

    Open communication or not does not make sense anymore - and we have to live in this Bolehland unless we got a chance and money to emigrate.

    This is how they want the country to be rule and rot. Malaysians have given many comments on all this crap, but all remain unheard.

    Sometimes I just felt that we are wasting our time putting up comments for a better Malaysia where the government is not prepared for and yet still dwell in denial.

    In this Bolehland of denial, any effort to improve the country is considered insult and unpatriotic. There is no way it can change and that is the fact.

    We only can change our own destiny and not this country by emigrating.

    No wonder there are so many government-sponsored students (malays and non-malays) choose to remain overseas to work and live - to stay away from this Bolehland……….

    You need globalisation to teach them a lesson - it won't be long and soon you will see the effect - in fact the rot has already started.

    What you and Malaysians want is just a transparent, fair and accountable government to equip the country to face the globalisation challenge, and yet the government take it as a plot to discredit the country.

    Whatever good deeds you fight for, they label you as unpatriotic, traitor, party agenda, nonsense and communist.

    Hearing all this really break my heart and many Malaysians hearts.

    Those contributing from their hearts are true, proud and courageous Malaysians - they are very concerned for the future of their motherland and the welfare of its ordinary people.

  12. Tanpa Nama15/8/06 15:21

    huh.. panjangnya komen-komen untuk sebuah cerita yang pendek.. hehe.. agak2 maksud citer dah sampai terlalu jauh kot.. :)


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