BEEE(Core), BEPE(Core)
Co-requisite: MATB113
Circuit elements voltage-current characteristics, independent and dependent sources. Kirchoff’s laws nodal analysis, mesh current, source transformation. Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems. Superposition principle. Operational Amplifier terminal behaviour. Transient response of RC, RL and RLC circuits. Sinusoidal steady-state and impedance. Instantaneous and average power. Computer simulation tool (Pspice) in analysing electric circuits.
i'll be sitting for this exam come next week, i haven't revised on anything, my circuit text book and notes were left at Wan's room, he went to Ipoh and locked the room. What should i do now? I went to miss zaipatimah's metalab site to download the notes, but my pc cannot translate the PDF format. Now i don't know what to do, might even forget the simple Kirchoff's Law if this goes on. Somebody, help me, lend me your notes or anything, just anything that might help me score this exam.
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