my premiere post on the all new Synthetic Plastic Medula Oblongata~

this used to be my blog, not too flexible, so i switched to this blogger site. this is considered as a "hijrah" too right? i modified my blog design today, i've thrown in some links, added a lil' javascript, and i decided to not to put the clock cursor because the words behind it will disappear.
i found lots of new source of javascript at this new website (i'm not planning to reveal the url as this will automatically decrease the rarity of the javascript i'm using).
i'll modify my blog from time to time, it seems that i'm starting to be addicted to this blogging thingy, eventhough i've got nothing to tell.
the topic is about a competition, about winning and losing, about battle and war...
since i was a lil' baby, my parent always tried to compare me with my cousins and peers. i grow up in a competitive atmosphere. out of all my cousins, there is this one particular person which always managed to give me a tough fight. eventhough we're not in the same school, the distance from kuala kangsar and gombak is too little to close the competition. at standard one, he won because he became a class monitor, while the young me, still lacking of leadership skills, only become a nobody in my class.
come 1996, i was in standard 3, i passed my pts test, while he does not. that is surely a victory. after i skipped my fourth grade, i saved a year and take the lead with no competitors in the batch i skipped into, but... i became a passive person as a result of lack of competition. i took my upsr in 1998, i've got a good result, the next year, he too, got exactly the same result as mine, but he was admitted to a boarding school, while i'm not.
and then, in 2001, i took my pmr examination, with a so-so result, not an excellent one, i was admitted to a boarding school too, but it was a bit too late i think... he got 9As for his pmr, excellent one. but the worst is yet to come, he got 10As for his spm, when my spm result is a pure catastrophy. he will be flying to india to further his studies in medication. and i...
well, i won the battle, he won the war... and yes, i've to admit, i'm a sore loser.
[the winner of the battle, the loser of the war]
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